Large blue capital letter A, then large red dash, then large orange capital Z, meaning a to z list.

A-Z of Other Challenges


(This is a common list of  challenges, barriers and goals which we can help you with, but there are many more not listed here, please also see the full A-Z list below.  Also includes common Phobias & Fears, see fuller list on 'Phobias & Fears' page).  We are totally confidential and understanding during all Counselling, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, here at Barnsley Hypnosis and Counselling.

We are happy to be supportive and positive toward all LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (or Questioning), Intersex, Asexual and more clients.  


  • Abuse (Child)

  • Abuse (Physical)

  • Abuse (Sexual)

  • Abuse (Verbal)

  • Academic performance enhancement

  • Accident

  • Addiction (Alcohol)

  • Addiction (Cocaine)

  • Addiction (Drink)

  • Addiction (Drugs)

  • Addiction (Food)

  • Addiction (Heroin)

  • Addiction (Internet)

  • Addiction (Ketamine) 

  • Addiction (Sex)

  • Addiction (Shopping)

  • Addiction (Smoking)

  • Addiction (Spending)

  • Addiction (Sugar)

  • Adolescent Therapy

  • Alcohol (Reduce or Stop)

  • Allergies

  • Ambition

  • Anger

  • Anorexia

  • Anxiety

  • Anxiety (General)

  • Anxiety (Performance)

  • Anxiety (Post-Operative)

  • Anxiety (Pre-Operative)

  • Anxiety (Social)

  • Arthritis (Pain)

  • Asexual
  • Assertiveness

  • Assertiveness (In Relationships)
  • Asthma (Breathing Techniques)

  • Attachment Disorder

  • Audition Anxiety


  • Backache

  • Bed Wetting (Enuresis)

  • Bereavement

  • Binge drinking (Alcohol)

  • Binge eating

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Birthing

  • Bisexualism/Bisexual

  • Blushing

  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDO)

  • Body Image Confidence
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

  • Breech Birth (at scan)
  • Bruxism (jaw clenching / teeth grinding)

  • Bulimia

  • Bullying / Harassment

  • Burns (Healing via Positive Imagery) 

  • Business (Failure)


  • Cancer (Coping With)

  • Cannabis

  • Child (Abuse)
  • Child Therapy

  • Childbirth

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME

  • Chronic Pain

  • Cocaine

  • Communication

  • Competitiveness

  • Compulsive behaviour

  • Conceiving / Conception

  • Concentration / Focus

  • Confidence and Self-Esteem

  • Confidence (In Relationships)
  • Confidence and Self-Esteem (Children, Teenagers and Adolescents)
  • Confident Parenting Skills
  • Conflict

  • Constipation

  • Control Shopping / Spending

  • COPD (respiratory recovery)

  • Creativity

  • Cross Dressing


  • Death of Another (Acceptance, Forgiveness, Say Goodbye)

  • Decisions / Targets / Goals / Plans

  • Depression (Clinical)

  • Depression (Post-Natal)

  • Depression (Reactive)

  • Determination

  • Digestive troubles

  • Disfigurements (coping, self-acceptance, confidence)

  • Distress / Worry

  • Divorce (stress, acceptance, moving on, confidence)

  • Dreaming

  • Dreaming

  • Drinking Alcohol

  • Driving (Fears Of)

  • Driving (In Dark)

  • Driving (Motorways)

  • Driving (Over Bridges)

  • Driving (Over Water)

  • Driving (Road Rage)

  • Driving test (Nerves, Stress, Performance, Memory)

  • Drugs (all types of non-prescription / recreational / social)

  • Drugs (on prescription by a Doctor)

  • Drugs (Cocaine, Coke)
  • Drugs (Cannabis, Weed etc)
  • Drugs (Ketamine)


  • E-cigarettes (Vaping)
  • Eating disorders (body image correction, appetite building)

  • Eating Solids

  • Eating Unhealthy

  • Ecstasy

  • Eczema

  • Educational Referrer
  • Emotional Eating
  • Energy Building / Motivation

  • Enuresis (Bed Wetting)

  • Erection failure

  • Exam preparation / nerves / coping / stress

  • Exercise


  • Family problems

  • Fatigue/energy (e.g. energy-building, motivation, stress mgt)

  • FEARS (full list of Fears & Phobias on 'A - Z Phobias & Fears' page) 

  • Fear (Birds)
  • Fear (Cats)

  • Fear (Clowns)

  • Fear (Crossing Bridges)

  • Fear (Crowds)

  • Fear (Dark)

  • Fear (Death)

  • Fear (Dentist)

  • Fear (Dirt or Infection)

  • Fear (Doctors)

  • Fear (Dogs)

  • Fear (Driving Test)

  • Fear (Driving)

  • Fear (Elevators)

  • Fear (Enclosed Spaces)

  • Fear (Exams)

  • Fear (Failure)

  • Fear (Flying)

  • Fear (Germs)

  • Fear (Heights)

  • Fear (Hospitals)

  • Fear (Injections)

  • Fear (Insects)

  • Fear (Mirrors)

  • Fear (Needles)
  • Fear (Open Spaces)
  • Fear (Public Speaking)

  • Fear (Rejection)

  • Fear (Sickness)

  • Fear (Snakes)

  • Fear (Social Situations)

  • Fear (Spiders)

  • Fear (Stairs)

  • Fear (Swimming)

  • Fear (Tests)

  • Fear (Thunderstorms)

  • Fear (Washing)

  • Fear (Wasps / Bees)

  • Fear (Water) 

  • Fear (Worms)

  • Fertility

  • Finger Biting

  • Finger or Foot Tapping
  • Frustration


  • Gagging, heaving (e.g. on dentures or fruit)

  • Gambling

  • Gay (understanding, being or accepting)

  • Gender Identity / Dysphoria / Confusion

  • General Anxiety

  • Goals / Plans / Decisions / Targets

  • Grief (Traumatic / Complicated)

  • Grief, loss & separation

  • Grinding (Teeth / Jaw)
  • Guilt


  • Habits

  • Hair Pulling

  • Hair Twiddling

  • Hayfever

  • Headaches, migraine, cluster headaches (after GP check-up)

  • Healing (Post-Operative)

  • Healthy eating

  • Heroin

  • Hoarding

  • Homosexuality

  • Horse riding anxieties / nerves

  • Hyperactivity  / ADHD (e.g. calming, healthy eating)

  • Hypertension (e.g. stress management and relaxation)

  • Hypno-Birthing 

  • Hypno-Gastric-Band


  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) via stress management

  • Illness (Coping with serious)

  • Indecision

  • Infertility / IVF / Donor Sperm or Eggs

  • Inhibitions

  • Insecurity

  • Insomnia

  • Intersex
  • Interviews (confidence, communication, self-consciousness)

  • Irritability (e.g. 'snapping' at people, restlessness)

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • IVF / Infertility


  • Jaw clenching / teeth grinding (Bruxism)

  • Jealousy

  • Joint Ache


  • Keep Fit

  • Ketamine


  • Lesbian
  • Loss of a Close Person

  • Loss of Job / Business

  • Loss of Limb

  • Loss of Physical Mobility

  • Low Energy and Motivation
  • Lying
  • Low Memory and Concentration


  • Marriage (e.g. stress, late doubts, money, commitment)

  • Marriage / Relationship Problems

  • ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) (e.g. energy, stress mgt)

  • Medical examination anxieties.

  • Memory (e.g. appointments, learn languages, lost objects)

  • Menopausal problems

  • Menstrual problems (premenstrual tension, dysmenorrhoea)

  • Migraine

  • Morning sickness

  • Motion/travel sickness

  • Motivation / Energy / Drive


  • Nail Biting

  • Negative thinking

  • Negative Behaviours (Adults)
  • Negative Behaviours (Children, Teenagers/Adolescents)
  • Negotiations

  • Nerves

  • Nightmares

  • Not Eating Solids


  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

  • Obsessions / Compulsions 

  • Ongoing Relationships
  • Other Addictions
  • Overeating


  • Pain relief / management

  • Panic attacks

  • Parenting Skills
  • Performance Anxiety

  • Performance enhancement (Academic)

  • Performance Improvement at School / College / University

  • Performance Improvement at Sports

  • Performance Improvement on Stage

  • Performance Improvement at Work

  • Performance Improvement Sexually

  • Personality Disorders

  • Phantom limb pain

  • PHOBIAS (full list of Phobias & Fears on 'A - Z Phobias & Fears' page)

  • Plans / Decisions / Goals / Plans

  • Playing Truant
  • Positive attitude enhancement

  • Positive Thinking

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Post-operative recovery enhancement

  • Pregnancy

  • Pregnancy (First 3 Months of Pregnancy)
  • Pregnancy (Remaining 6 Months of Pregnancy)
  • Premature Ejaculation

  • Pre-menstrual Tension (PMT)

  • Presentations

  • Problem solving

  • Procrastination (making decisions and sticking to them)

  • Professional Referrer
  • Prosperity (motivation, overcoming personal obstacles, etc.)

  • Psoriasis

  • Psychosomatic Illness

  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

  • Public speaking (self-consciousness, nerves, weak voice)

  • Pulling Hair
  • Pure-O (obsessive Thoughts and / or Words)


  • Queer or Questioning


  • Referrer (Profesional or Educational)
  • Rejection

  • Relationship problems / marriage problems

  • Relationship / family counselling
  • Relaxation

  • Releasing the past (moving on, dealing with bad memories)

  • Remaining 6 months of Pregnancy
  • Respiratory Recovery


  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

  • Sales (Appointment Making)

  • Sales (Face-to-Face)

  • Sales (Telesales)

  • Sales Performance (motivation, rapport-building, goal-setting)

  • Self Development

  • Self Harm

  • Self-Consciousness

  • Self-Esteem

  • Self-Growth

  • Self-Image

  • Sensory Development (sight, sound, smell, taste, feelings)

  • Separation (Dealing With Break-up or Death)

  • Separation Anxiety

  • Sexual Disorders
  • Sexual (Erection Failure)

  • Sexual (Low Libido / Drive)

  • Sexual (Premature Ejaculation)

  • Sexual (Undressing / Shyness / Self Esteem)

  • Sexual (Vaginitis)

  • Sexual problems

  • Shyness

  • Skin conditions

  • Skin Picking

  • Skin Scratching

  • Sleep (e.g. nightmares, paralysis, bed wetting, sleep-walking)

  • Sleep (Poor)

  • Smoking (inc. Vaping)

  • Snoring

  • Social Anxiety

  • Social Phobia

  • Speech impediments (Stuttering / Stammering)

  • Speed reading

  • Sports performance (motivation, focus, energy, determination)

  • Stage Fright (Performance Anxiety)

  • Stammering / Stuttering

  • Stealing
  • Stop Smoking
  • Stop Vaping
  • Stress (e.g. manage stress at work and home, feel healthier)

  • Studying (e.g. memory, worry)

  • Suicidal Thoughts / Plans (Depression)


  • Targets / Goals / Plans / Decisions

  • Tapping Finger(s) or Foot
  • Team Leading

  • Team Working

  • Teenage Therapy

  • Teeth Grinding (and / or jaw grinding)
  • Tension (e.g. learn to relax, breathe correctly)

  • Terminal illness (coping with)

  • Tests preparation (e.g. stress, coping, nerves)

  • Tests and Exams
  • Thoughts (negative)

  • Thumb Sucking

  • Tics (facial or Body)

  • Tics and Tourettes
  • Time Management (improving)

  • Timidity / Shyness

  • Tinnitus (e.g. distraction techniques)

  • Tooth grinding (Bruxism)

  • Tourettes
  • Transgenderism/Transgender

  • Transsexualism/Transexual

  • Transvestism/Transvestite

  • Trauma

  • Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)


  • Unhealthy Eating


  • Vaping (children)
  • Vaping (flavoured)

  • Vaping (non-flavoured)


  • Weddings (e.g. stress, late doubts, money, commitment)

  • Weight Gain Needed

  • Weight Loss Needed

  • Worry / Distress

  • Writers block


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