This section and information provided concerns Assertiveness. Many people confuse Assertiveness with Confidence. However, lets try to seperate them easily now. Whereas Confidence can be linked to; Performance Confidence, Social Confidence/Anxiety, Sports Performance/Anxiety, Stage Performance/Anxiety, Public Speaking, Dating Confidence, etc, Assertiveness is definetly seperate. For example, many of us will often think or feel that we wish to do or say something to someone else, due to the moment, the topic, our thoughts and feelings, plus the situation. Somehow, in our own way and in our own unique method, we will find a way to say or behave in a way that is; clear, confident, fair and reasonable. Unfortunately some of us may have those thoughts and feelings in our head ready to act on, but we just can't find the personal confidence to verbalise or behave in a firm and fair suitable response.
Assertiveness is definetly not about dominance. Whereas dominance is always about; being top dog, control, always being right, winning the perceived battle, always being the best, always being on top. On the other hand Assertiveness is about; listening to anothers point of view, reflecting on points of views, being open and fair, yet firmly and clearly speaking and acting in the right way, whilst explaining the reasons why. Sufferers of low assertiveness will often say I feel frustrated, angry or inadiquate, but I can't seem to get my point across or people walk all over me.
Powerful and Dynamic Psychotherapy helps you to become more assertive.