Educational Referrer
Educational Referrals
Following requests from schools, colleges and universities we have now set up a South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire wide service to help support and empower Heads, Teachers, Lecturers, Support Officers and Counsellors within: Schools, Colleges and Universities within Barnsley and surrounding areas of Yorkshire. We also expect further enquiries for help, support re Schools, Colleges and Universities within North and East Yorkshire.
Our well-proven therapy services include:
Free short training courses
For Heads, Deputy Heads, Teachers, Lecturers, Support Officers, Counsellors, to empower them to use short tools such as: Breathing & Distraction Relaxation Tool, Fear or Phobia Minimisation Tool, Simple Thought & Feelings Diary, Praise & Reward Motivational Support.
Referral Service to us for private therapy
If above tools do not shift the psychological or behavioural challenges, includes feedback and support to referrers within schools, colleges and universities.
We deliver Integrated Therapies
To students inc: Counselling, CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy, NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnotherapy.
We deliver to students
With challenging behaviours, self-harm, bullying (victim) bullying (abuser), low confidence and/or self-esteem, anxiety, separation anxiety, panic, stress, anger, agoraphobia, fears or phobias, internet addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, other addictive behaviour, communication & family harmony, low concentration & memory, low energy & motivation, exam or test anxiety, reactive depression, periodic cyclic depression, OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder re: intrusive thoughts, words or actions, BDD - body dysmorphic disorder, borderline personality disorder, parental relationship separation, parental bereavement, grandparent bereavement, parental illness, grandparent illness, autism, asperger’s, ADD - attention deficit disorder, plus many more mental health, psychological or behavioural challenges.
Children and Teenagers
Please see further information, by clicking on the left website page tab re 'Children, Teenagers and Adolescents'.