GDPR (Latest Data Protection Law)
We will keep above meaningful written and typed notes and records to support and improve therapy.
Before the start of the 1st therapy session we ask new client’s permission to keep and store written / typed notes for 4 years. If a client refuses we stop therapy and will not continue until permission is granted.
Filing cabinets are locked & no files are left outside of filing cabinets except our current client. We lock all internal & external doors and set the burglar alarm. We have metal shutters to external doors & windows. We have ‘Continuous CCTV Monitoring & Recording’, re: outside front and back of building, plus waiting room, plus therapy room. This security measure supports ‘Lone-Worker Safety’, plus ‘Public Safety’, plus ’Crime Prevention’. All our recordings are automatically wiped clean after 10 days.
Our Psychotherapists undergo regular, continuous ‘Professional Supervision & Development’, to monitor & ensure continuous ongoing ‘Best Practice’ ‘Effective Practice’ and ‘Safe Practice’. When a client is included for discussion, we ensure identifiable information is thoroughly erased from written & typed files plus from verbal or online discussions, e.g. “I treated a 30 year old lady who had acute panic with CBT”. Our Psychotherapists, University Placement Students, plus Cleaners of our practice all sign a ‘Confidentiality Agreement’ not to disclose / discuss identifying information about present or past clients. If we need to send an external report, letter, or test result to: Family Doctor, Medical Consultant, Surgical Consultant, Psychiatrist Consultant, Senior Psychiatric Nurse, Social Worker, Employer, Solicitor, or Court, etc, we will first seek client permission, show client a draft, then give client final copy. If a client wants to move to another Private or NHS Therapist & the client requests their ‘Total Records Folder’, we will instead give a ‘Summary’ of methods & progress to date & future work plans if continued. Files or video records are not rented or sold. We do not share records unless via police or court orders.
Within 14 days of a request, we will allow a client to see their records, but only in the presence of ourselves. We shall explain the contents if the client cannot understand terminology or read our writing.
We keep client records for a maximum 4 years from the therapy start. This provides 1 year over the 3 year rule for maximum time a client may make a Personal Injury Claim against a 3rd party, e.g. Car or Work Accident. This also covers complaints against us via our three professional bodies: ‘National Counselling Society’, ‘National Hypnotherapy Society’, plus the ‘National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists’. After 4 years from the client’s first session, we dispose of all records via means of small-strip secure & private shredding, then they are burned, with a first and second therapist as 2 witnesses plus confirmation signatures of both.
I have read and received a copy of this ‘GDPR’ (Data Protection Policy) and I agree to the above collection of written and typed files plus video information being stored about me. At any time I can ask for this collection to stop, but I understand that this request will stop therapy. The files will still be kept for 4 years re clients’ files, 4 years re referrer invoices, plus 7 days re automatic video recordings (no voices).
Click for more
- Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy Treatments
- NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
- Counselling
- Psychotherapy
- DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy)
- HRT (Habit Reversal Therapy)
- CAT (Cognitive Analytical Therapy)
- Hourly Session Charges
- GDPR (Latest Data Protection Law)